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i am zaman. this site is about me. not u. stop being selfish. lol j/k. welcome...[back by pop. demand lol ;-)]-

Thursday, September 25, 2003

A Change of seasons

A great change in my life seems well underway. Over the past seven years I have had the privilege of going two places that have shaped and molded the person I have become; namely and firstly BCB [Brondesbury secondary school for 5 years] and then Woodhouse College [where I studied for my A levels for 2 years]. For the past four months I have been on a long summer holiday, and now, next week begins a new chapter in my life: University.

God willing, I will try to remember all the magic that grafted those seven years.

Most of all I need to thank all those ppl who made my life the amazing non stop rollercoaster it has been...

Memory Metropolis part1.

Muhammad [mo man:-D aka turbulent testicles]: Well I havent spoken to u much in the past 2 years, man. I still have that birthday card that u gave me a few years ago, which had a mad scientist on the cover and read:

"Eureka! Ive done it!! Ive created the perfect friend... Zaman Durani"

Man thats the nicest thing neone has ever told me bro...and ill never 4get u for it...Thanks 4 being the best best mate neone could EVER need, for the crazy [and excellent] sense of humor we shared and for getting me into Metallica, Nirvana and Guns N Roses...still my 3 faves...[oh I still hav that homer Simpson doll u gave me all those years ago....he still says "doh"..."why u little" and "ooo do I smell cup cakes?"

Ahmed: My personal punch bag!!! Lol man...thanks 4 talking all those blows for me!!! Uv always been there no matter what...u Muppet!! :-D .. probably my best memory of u is lying on the floor of the ISOC room after I pushed u off the table!! Lol every1 burst out laughing....Man my drawing of that is in ma room!!!! Oh and my other memory...2 weeks ago when zia showed us his scar...and u went "is that for life?" I said "no its just 4 christmas" I dont know what ur thinking when u come out with such crazy talk, boy!!!!!! Good luck in uni bro.. weve been thru bare! Thanks for all those hours on the phone almost ever night...I never stopped laughing, bro. Chemsitry lessons were the lessons u shined in!! especially that day when we were doing a practical and u go "look how cool I am" before jump sitting onto a bench and immediately falling off it onto the floor...hilllarious!!!!!!!! missin u too much already...hurry up and get a mobile phone with line rental so we can chat!!!!! WHOS GOT DA GOLD????

Zia: Man what can I say!!!!! From out crazy high pitched singing in the London underground tunnels [] to crashing out at ur yard and ordering pizza and listening to Metallica [who wuld have though it eh?] uve never been able to let me down! If there ever was a true brother it is u, MahsaAllah! Its impossible to stop cracking up wen we are together, lol, and if I were to say everthing on my mind now...itd take up the whole ill just chat to u tonite...

Jawad: man you were the spiritual leader of us lot, yet u still came out with the most crazy questions..[ahem].. there was never a dull moment when u were about, and our classic song "SUKAR LABAN HALEEB!!! WA MANJOOOO [translates as: sugar yoghurt, milk and]...always leaves me in creases!! of ma best bros...take care salam man...

Qasim: w00t it seems like aaaages since BCB and I dont know how ive survived without your crazy non stop "ill kill myself to have a laugh" hysteria. Man me and Ahmed still to this day mimic the way u used to play table tennis..LOL..u had some long arms..haha...and we can never forget ur Thursday afternoon psycho streak in art class!The most memorable thing has to b when u threw a rock at kaifs face [in a friendly way of course]...and he still has that scar until today!!! At least he wont 4get u eh?? Oh well…good luck in egypt...I hope its not raining too much :P....w00t

Jev: Wassup jevster...hows the lil bad boy wannabe??? Lol I still think kaif has nightmares of u endlessly trying to beat him up lol....but we were all bros an it was all good!! I loved all those songs u made up about me!!! Hehe, glad we never forget to sing them even nowadays..."zaman zawoman zaoldman zayoungman YA MAN!!.." lol jev bro..when we were young we must have been on drugs or something to come up with all this madness...lool...Well bro, u were always there for me no matter ill neva forget that...salam..

Majid: I still have that picture of u [I think] when we went to u looked like a munchkin!!! Its ok tho, because you still do :P....

Who the 'ell am I?

Name: Zaman Khan Durani
Age: 20
Location: London

Doing:Pharmacy Degree






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Zaman/Male/16-20. Lives in United Kingdom/England/London, speaks English. Eye color is brown. I am also ambitious. My interests are Internet/Outdoor Activities.
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United Kingdom, England, London, English, Zaman, Male, 16-20, Internet, Outdoor Activities.
